If you are into pixelart, tilesets or pixel art,then you have to take a deeper look at this pixeleditor, called “Pyxel Edit“. This editor has an optimized workflow with productivity in mind. You can work on tiles, tilemaps, animations or plain pixelart on the same canvas – almost at the same time.
The only drawback at Pyxel Edit seems, that it’s build with Adobe Air – you need to download and install the Air virtual machine from Adobe, before you can get the editor to work.
On the other side, this has the advantage, that this editor works on OS-X, too. As you might know, there are not much pixel-editors for OS-X. Using Pixen and Tiled was the only way to go, until now. Pyxel Edit fills this gap gracefully. So give it a try!
Yes, we also have our eyes in the development of the Kooltool pixel and tile-editor. The Kooltool is build in Love2d – so platform independent as well.