Us Now” is an interesting full length documentary about computer-based social technologies, trust, bottom-up and self-organisation. Finally “wisdom of the crowd” appears and all connected to the question, if we all together could govern? The leading question of the movie is: “In a world in which information is like air, what happens to power?

“New technologies and a closely related culture of collaboration present radical new models of social organisation. This project brings together leading practitioners and thinkers in this field and asks them to determine the opportunity for government.”

Blog, Research and Theory - Date published: May 17, 2009 | 4 Comments

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  1. […] Ja, auch wenn diese Dokumentation auf English ist und es vorranging um die Frage geht, ob sich selbst organisierende Systeme, also wir alle, dazu in der Lage sind, uns selbst auch zu Regieren, bekommt man auch eine schöne Vorstellung davon, in welche Richtung sich so die ganze Gesellschaft entwickeln könnte – auch inklusive Arbeitswelt. Anschauen, lohnt sich! (via) […]

  2. Great video ! This kind of concept is mushroming everywhere, so I am glad to see a nice video on the subject! for several weeks I started to talk with people over the Net on the opportunity of creating a political party in Romania, based on the collaborative participation rather than piramidal sistem. The sistem is nicknamed “government 2.0″ or “guvernare 2.0″ how we call it here in Romania! This will help controlling one of the most corrupted government in the EU !

  3. JackPearse said:

    Networking is one of the powerful concepts in business. Now networking becomes the standard concept of society. Democracy is based on delegetee because the complexity of managing all people needs, has been to hard to manage. Nowadays technology allows us a more direct democracy. The piraten-party, a party in europe, allows all people to design their own election advertising spot. Everyone is allowed to vote their favourite spot. This spot will be shown on TV. It’s the first party I know which is inviting everyone to participate to their work.

    Imagine a party is based upon “everyone is deciding permanently” and has been elected to governance. This would be like a “trojan” which would give all people the power of direct democracy. Taking this as an example leads us to the conclusion that we kind of already have the “power of the people”.

  4. […] lassen, habe aber darauf immerhin einen Link zu einem guten Dokumentarfilm bekommen. Er heißt “US NOW” und erklärt ausgezeichnet, was Kommunikation und Information im Netz bewirkt – […]