Yahoo released an new online service that let you remix and mash-up rss-feeds on the fly. They deliver a visual programming language, that works with javasript directly in your browser. It looks easy, but seems to unleash the real power of xml and feeds possibilities for the web. With this tool you really can filter, code and mix up every feed that is online available. The resulting feed will also be made online available, ready for new mix downs. The only issue is the need for an yahooID to mess around with this tool.


Connecting and filtering xml-feeds directly in your browser.

For the future yahoo promises some enhancements and extensions for this patcher tool. The website says what they plan for the future:

– Programmatic access to the Pipes engine
– Support for additional data sources (such as KML)
– More built-in processing modules
– The ability to extend Pipes with external, user-contributed modules
– More ways to render output (Badges, Maps, etc…)

Like always it’s a work in progress and beta-testing everything. If you want to try and play around a little start with the digital tools pipe to clone and mash-up.

Blog - Date published: February 10, 2007 | Comments Off

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