Processing Monsters

Processing Monsters is a nice project from Lukas Vojir (also blogging here). It is a collection of “black and white monsters” made in Processing. Basically everyone can contribute and besides the code you can leave a link to your own website. The project is still fresh, but two monsters that show the direction of the monsters-project are for example the Sliding Monster and the Eye Monster. Feel free to add your own or enhance, build upon or modify the work of others. Take the interactive, animated character update. (via)

Blog - Date published: December 2, 2008 | 2 Comments

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  1. Mitch said:

    Hey guys. Awesome work. Could you maybe mark up the code with more comments to make them more learn-able? I am just starting out in Processing and have a hard time digesting it all without comments.

    Thanks much either way and keep up the good work!

  2. 020200 said:

    Maybe you just want to contact the creators of the processing-monsters directly, i.e. via e-mail? There are also lots of resources to learn processing in the web as well, start at